The enclosed ResEdit file contains replacement DLOG and DITL ID-374 resources for PageMaker’s PM4.2 RSRC file. By pasting them into your PM4.2 RSRC file, you get an Indents/tabs ruler that spans the full width of a large, dual-page monitor screen. Now you can set multiple tabs easily without scrolling the ruler, no matter what page view you work in, even if it’s at 400%. You never again have to struggle with PageMaker's undersized Indents/tabs ruler.
This improved PageMaker Indents/tabs ruler is brought to you by The Weigand Report: The Working Newsletter for Macintosh Professionals. The Weigand Report contains essential information for communicators, desktop publishers, and small business users. Visit The Weigand Report forum in the Company Support area of the Macintosh Business forum (Keyword "MBS"). Check out our growing library of unique files that you just won't find elsewhere. Also, request a free sample issue of our newsletter.
Here’s the step-by-step procedure for updating your PM4.2 RSRC file:
1. Use ResEdit to open the enclosed file.
2. Double-click on the DLOG resource. Select the ID-374 resource with your cursor and choose copy from the Edit menu.
3. Now open a copy of your PM4.2 RSRC file. Double-click on the DLOG resource and scroll down to ID-374 (labeled “Tabs”). Select this resource with your cursor and choose Clear from the Edit menu. Then immediately choose paste from the Edit menu. This pastes the replacement DLOG ID-374 resource into your PM4.2 RSRC file.
4. Follow the same procedure for the DITL ID -374 resource.
5. When you are done, save your changes and quit ResEdit.
6. Replace the original PM4.2 RSRC file (in the Aldus folder inside the System folder) with the modified copy.